

Website Development\Design:


Initial Website Development\Design using standard or custom templates. Facebook integration for maximum end user saturation. Database integration for data collection and analysis. Website updates for sites previously developed by other companies\users.

PC Repair\Data Recovery Services:


Recovery of data from corrupted hard drives. Things like Pictures, Videos, Financial information are often stored on PC's, but just as often these are not properly backed-up previous to hard drive corruption. Thankfully we have been very successful in recovering this data and returning it safely to the end user. Often the entire hard drive can be recovered and written to a new hard drive so that the end user can pick up exactly where they left off. Otherwise we can rebuild your PC from the ground up or add additional hardware to your existing configuration.

Networking Services:


Complete set up of small personal or business networks. Network setup includes set up of routers, IP configuration, VPN remote access services and more.